I had the distinct pleasure to appear on “EWTN Live with Fr. Mitch Pacwa” on Wednesday, September 18, 2024. This is a weekly show, aired nationally, and Fr. Mitch is a fabulous host. He has been hosting this show for a long time. He is brilliant, seems to know everything, and has a passion for spreading knowledge of the faith. We discussed my book, “How the Saints shaped History,” and the themes within — the saints’ roles as true history-makers, how God raised up saints to help the church in difficult times, how we are called to participate with the saints in furthering the mission of the Church, and how we can have hope for the future, given how God has always led His people out of the wildernesses they have created and into revival and restoration.

Below are two links: one for the show and one to learn more about the great mission work at EWTN. I invite you to peruse each of them. enjoy!

EWTN Global Catholic Television Network: Catholic News, TV, Radio | EWTN

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